Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between the Traditional Roman Calendar and the new calendar?
Volumes can be written to answer this, and I am not qualified to answer it well, but I shall try my best to point out some of the major differences.
To begin, both calendars follow the Liturgical year which revolve around two concurrent cycles of feasts :
Temporal cycle (Proper of the time)
The Temporal cycle is an annual cycle during which the Church celebrates the whole mystery of Christ, from the Incarnation to Pentecost Day and the days of waiting for the Advent of the Lord. For example : The Triduum, Easter Season, Lent, Christmas Season, Advent, etc.
Sanctoral cycle.
The Sanctoral cycle (Proper of the Saints) includes feasts of devotion of Our Lord, feasts of Mary and feasts of the saints. This cycle runs simultaneously with the temporal cycle, but it is secondary in the priority of feasts.
What is the difference between the Novus Ordo Calendar and the Traditional Rite Calendar :
With regards the Temporal cycles : The traditional calendar is on a 1 year rotation (on Sunday the same readings will be heard each year) whereas the new calendar is on a 3 year rotation (On Sunday the same readings will be heard every 3 years). So, if you attend the Novus Ordo Mass you will note that the illustrations for the Sunday Gospels will not line up with this calendar.
With regards the Sanctoral cycles : The new calendar has cut out many traditional saint feast days and replaced them with new Saint feast days. We have chosen to keep the simplicity of the old calendar for now, but we hope to offer both in the future.
This is a very poor answer to the question, yet we shall continue to improve it as time goes on. Though we are not theologians, this is an important topic for the faithful to understand and consider since we are responsible for passing on our Catholic heritage to our children.
*note : we are aware that this is a topic of great controversy in many circles -- we hope that someday all will be resolved according to the heart of Our Father in Heaven.
How do I print these calendars out? I'm having trouble!
If you purchase from our website, you will get a .zip file to download which contain all the files, the PDFs and the JPGs.
The PDFs you can print out on your home printer on ordinary 8.5x11 paper.
The POSTER JPG is meant to be printed out on a wide format printer, and two of the best places I have found to print them inexpensively are at Office Depot and Staples. The trick is to ask for Engineering prints. I made a little explainer video talking about dealing with .zip files and how to print at those places, take a look: