After burning the midnight oil, days of tech issues, getting webpages just right, formatting and uploading files, it is finally done!!
We have launched our Liturgy of the Home Digital Membership with access to our calendars and all kinds of content! This is especially useful for our overseas customers for whom shipping the physical posters from Sophia is just too expensive.
For those of you who are new, we have included these things in our membership:
Color and black and white calendars (print at home and tape or glue together 4 sheets of standard paper to make a poster)
Coloring pages for every Saint's day, Feasts, and the Sunday Gospels
Color and black and white poster files for large format printing
Color and black and white mini calendars (each one fits on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper)
Companion Guidebook
Monthly Dedications with a hymn and audio recording (We are still working on December's)

We are working on adding more content and will need patrons and benefactors to do that. For those of you who have purchased the physical posters from Sophia, this membership is separate but we have a discount for you to access the digital membership if you want to take advantage of that. Just click the 'Sophia customers' link at the top right of the menu bar (bottom of menu if viewing on a mobile device) and you will see our discounted plan. If you want to access our membership, but price is an issue, please email me. We want this to go far, if God wills.
So, to sign up, just click on the 'Membership Info' link at the top of the screen and choose a subscription level. You have to be logged in as a member of the website before you buy, and you can sign up if you haven't done that. The new members will have to confirm their email addresses first, then return to the 'Membership Info' page and make their purchase. Then you can access the members area and see the content there.
Advent is just around the corner, and I wanted to make sure you had time to sign up, download what you need to get it ready for the new liturgical year about to begin.
Deo gracias!